Monday, January 5, 2009

The moment

It happened yesterday. The moment when it all clicked. I felt totally comfortable riding and felt like my bike was an extension of myself. I knew I could handle the road and was completely confident. Not cocky, but confident.

I was headed to church at dusk last night. It was a bit windy and the roads were a little slick from the all day rain. It was balmy and nice. About halfway there the rain started. As I got closer the rain got harder. A few weeks ago, I would have definitely freaked out and possibly turned back. Yesterday I simply put my head down a bit, hunched over and rode. It felt great. I knew that I could handle the curves and turns. Slippery roads are dangerous, but I knew that I was pretty capable of handling them. I arrived at church soaking wet and grinning from ear to ear. It had happened and clicked. Mick Jagger (my bike) was no longer a strange machine that I tried to control. We were partners and we were having a great time.

I have figured out how to ride in work clothes (dress, coat, boots, etc), how to ride in jeans and flats, how to ride to bars and to work. To ride with groceries or books. I know that mick will get me there in good shape and looking fabulous.

I was talking to a friend tonight, telling him about it and he said that he remembers the day it all clicked for him as well.

Is this a phenomenon that most riders feel? Do you remember the day this happened? Did the feeling last?

1 comment:

  1. beautiful!!

    I just discovered your blog, and I find it particularly inspiring!! Thank you so much for sharing what you do! I haven't had the chance to read everything yet, but wow!!! As a woman cyclist from a very unfriendly bike city in SW Ontario, it's always really refreshing to read about other woman cyclists in other cities.

    So, thank you!!

    In addition, I have jsut started to put together a zine about everything cycling, and while the first issues deadline has just passed this week, I would like to invite you to write something for the next issue!

    peace n grease!!


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