I spent last weekend in Nashville with my sister and her good friend. They had freedom from kids and husbands, I was taking a break from life.
Besides seeing Dave Matthews Band (who was INCREDIBLE!), I wanted to check out a bike shop or two. Obviously!
I only had time to see one, so I chose the only used bike shop in Nashville, that happened to be near our accommodations (which were kindly given to us by Trisha from Let's Go Ride a Bike...what a cute place she has!), Halycon bikes.
It was lovely. Local artisan hip and saddle bags, beautiful used bikes and cool staff working. I highly recommend you go in there and say hello. They have only been open 5 months and seem to be doing very well. In addition to the shop, they are running a Youth bike program in the back with the Oasis Center. Getting folks on bikes and supporting the youth of the community; we at Bike Skirt approve!
I took some photos. enjoy!
Yay, Halcyon! They are good people. Looks like you had a pretty day!