Thursday, February 5, 2009

We Love Bike Commuters!

I just saw that Elisa's profile is up on Bike Commuters today!  Go check it out and thanks again to our pal Jack for being so kind and taking an interest in what we're doing.

Ok. really going to do work now.


  1. Aw, do you have to?

    Enjoyed your last post. I feel that way when I go to other cities, too (though I think Nashville has a few more cyclists than B'ham). But as you said in your Bike Commuter profile, when there's so much to be done there is also a lot of opportunity!


  2. I have read both Anna Carrigan (yours) and Elisha's profile at Bike Commuters. Your words very much defined bike commuting...

    Awesome photos, too!


something on your mind?